Uploading images

How to upload images quickly to Gallery Pages

Updated over a week ago

Adding images

Whether you have example images still on the page or an empty Gallery Page, it is easy to add new images

  1. Click 'Add Item +'

  2. Click 'Image'

Image upload options

  1. Drag & drop files from your desktop to upload or tap 'Upload Images' to select files

  2. Import from Format if the images you want to use are already on an existing page in your site

  3. Import from Dropbox if you have images stored here

  4. Upload directly from Adobe® Lightroom® (macOS or Windows OS). Learn more here for Lightroom

Selected images from computer

  1. Navigate to the folder/directory where the images are you want to upload and select files (.jpg, .png, .gif images as well as some other supported file types can be uploaded)

  2. Click 'Open'

Image uploading progress

Images uploading will show their file name, status, size and the upload progress bar indicator.

  1. Uploader status and time remaining indicator

  2. 'X' Close button

  3. 'Add Image Descriptions'

  4. 'Done' close after uploading completed

Captions and Descriptions Editor

  1. Click 'Captions and Descriptions'

  2. Add 'Caption'

  3. Add 'Image Description' view Image Descriptions guide here

  4. Save Changes

More information

Reach us online at our live chat or via our email info@format.com if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!

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