Individual images and PDF’s with file sizes of up to 100MB each can be added to a file transfer.
Video guide
Add a File to a File Transfer
'+ Upload Files'
Return 'Back to File Transfers' pane
Send from 2GB to 10GB of files (depending on your plan) as a downloadable ZIP file. Files will automatically expire after one week.
'Send File Transfer' once images have been added and you are ready
Images and PDFs of up to 100MB each can be uploaded
See our Workflow Supported File Types guide for what types of image files are accepted
You can not add files that are already compressed in a ZIP archive
We provide you with four ways of adding your file/s:
Drag & Drop: select from the Finder/Explorer of your computer and drag onto the uploader to start automatically
Upload Files: select images or PDFs from your computer
Import from another Format page: save time
Import from Dropbox: connect to your Dropbox account and add any images directly
Image upload status
Progress indicator and message
'Delete' any file/s you do not want to send. There is no undo or way to recover a file once deleted.
Total size of files used and available
PDF file icon (no thumbnail preview)
Images display thumbnail preview
Status (Not Sent)
Click 'Send File Transfer' in the top-right after the files have been imported.
Once a File Transfer has been sent, you can not add or delete files from this transfer.
You would need to create another File Transfer for sending further files for the same Client.
See our next guide: Sending a File Transfer
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!