How to download images from a Client Gallery directly to your phone or tablet
This guide will show you how to:
Download a single image from a Client Gallery on an iPhone or iPad
Download All or Download Favorites as a .zip file on your iPhone or iPad
Downloading .zip files on your Android phone or tablet
For Apple devices this requires iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 or later and we recommend using the Safari iOS browser.
All screenshots were taken using iOS 14.3 with the Safari browser on an iPhone SE Series 2 device, it may appear different on your iPhone or iPad device.
Downloading a single image from a Client Gallery on an iPhone or iPad
Client Galleries are best viewed on a desktop Mac or PC. Because iOS Safari does not handle single image file downloads as you may expect, we recommend downloading images on your desktop computer and then transferring them to your iPhone or iPad.
To download a single image from a Client Gallery via your mobile browser, tap the Download button on the image thumbnail or on the lightbox view.
From thumbnail view, tap Download icon
From larger, lightbox view, tap Download icon
View the image at a larger size and then choose from different options (shown below) or
Download to the Files app
View Options
To save the image to your Photos app, tap View. Then press-and-hold down on the screen over the image, the options to share, add to photos and copy will appear. Tap Add to Photos to send the image to your camera roll. Tap the browser back button to return to the gallery.
The full size image will appear. Press-and-hold on image for options below
Add to Photos
Download Options
To download the image to your Files app, tap Download. The image will download right away, and can be accessed via tapping the blue arrow at the top of the screen, or in your Files app.
Tap 'Downloads' icon to see progress
Preview of image
Tap 'Viewer' to go direct to Files app
Files App > iCloud Drive
Downloads folder
Download All or Download Favorites as a .zip file on your iPhone or iPad
Warning: downloading large quantities of high resolution images to your mobile device may use a lot of data. We recommend connecting to WIFI, or downloading your files on a desktop computer and transferring the images to your mobile device.
Favorited images have solid 'star' in top-left corner
To download just your favorites, tap the View (#) Favorites button, and then tap Download Favorites.
To download all of the images in a Client Gallery, tap the Download All button
Confirm Email Address
You will be asked to confirm your email address. This is so that we can send you an email with a link to the download page if you would prefer to download on a desktop computer later.
Add your email address and 'Confirm'
Preparing image for download
Preparing the files for downloading may take a few minutes, depending on the size and quantity of images
Download Images
Once the ZIP file is ready to download, you will see a link to download your files. Tap the link to begin the download.
Download link also sent to your email address
Tap 'Download' to confirm the download.
When the download is complete, you can access the ZIP folder by tapping on the arrow button at the top-right of the screen, or through your Files app.
Progress indicator for ZIP file
ZIP file in 'Downloads' folder of Files app
Unzipped Folder with all the images downloaded inside
Downloading .zip files on your Android phone or tablet
We have discovered this may be quite different from how Safari on iOS works so we need to complete further testing before providing details on how to use this.
Downloading individual images may not be easy to accomplish but you can use the option to 'Download Favorites' or 'Download All' instead.
If you don't have an un-zipping application installed on your Android device, we recommend that you download and install 'WinZip for Android' and some type of 'File Explorer', these are free from the Google Play Store.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!