Client Galleries allow you to share images with your clients easily. Available on all plans.
Video overview
Access Client Galleries feature through Workflow
From your Dashboard, navigate to 'Workflow' and click 'Client Galleries'
Click 'New Client Gallery'
Give your new client gallery a name
Assign to a Client (this is optional)
Select Client from dropdown list of those available or
Click 'Create New Client'
Click 'Add Client Gallery'
Client Gallery panel overview
The path and name of your current project
Your page will default to 'Online'. You can activate the dropdown and change to 'Private' or 'Offline'.
Images: upload and image management area.
Activity: see images your client/s have favorited and downloaded (if enabled).
Settings: set specifically for this project, includes watermark, download ability and activity notification alerts.
Edit Design: make changes to overall theme settings
Add Item+: Upload Images and set Header Text or Header Image
Order by: change the view order of your images. Includes by Filename, Timestamp and Upload.
Share: send link via email to your client/s
Save: any changes you make within the client gallery will not be applied to your Live Site until you have clicked 'Save Changes' in the top-right corner
Image order sequence for Client Galleries
To ensure your images are able to display in order of file name, make sure that you are using the file naming convention similar to filename_0001.jpg, filename_0002.jpg, filename_0011.jpg, filename_0019.jpg, filename_0901.jpg
The filename needs to have leading zeros to ensure that it is ordered.
If images are named filename_1.jpg, filename_2.jpg, filename_11.jpg, filename_19.jpg etc then the order will not be as expected.
Add images
Click 'Add Item +' and select 'Image'. You can also add 'Header Text' or a 'Header Image'
We are able to accept a larger range of image file types up to 100MB each in size for Client Galleries, please see the Workflow Supported File Types guide.
We provide you with five ways of adding your image/s:
Drag & Drop: select from the Finder/Explorer of your computer and drag onto the uploader to start automatically
Upload Images: select images from your computer
Import from another Format page: save time
Import from Dropbox: connect to your Dropbox account and add any images directly
Adobe® Lightroom® Classic direct upload using our Format Publisher plugin. Learn more.
Image upload status
Progress indicator and message
Click 'Done'
Images uploaded counter
Click 'Save Changes' top-right after images have been imported.
Image thumbnails options
Hover an image thumbnail to see options appear
Edit 'Image Description'
Change Image
Selector checkbox for multiple selection of images (see below)
Add Caption
Multi-select images
Click the checkbox in lower-left corner of image thumbnails to select more than one image at a time
Select: All
Select: None (deselects any images already selected)
Number of images selected
You can also tap-and-drag multi-selected images to move them to a new position (this will change the 'Order by' to show as 'Custom')
Order by: Custom
Confirm 'Change Order'. This will also affect the order your client views the images
Client Gallery specific Settings
Click 'Settings'. These are specific for this individual client gallery.
Client Gallery Title: you can change this at any time
Client Gallery Visibility: use dropdown to change to 'Private' and set password for access restrictions
Client Gallery URL: should match title, all lowercase
Client Name: include a client name to be displayed on the page, email notification and password screen
URL link: full URL that will be used to view (in case you want to copy-and-paste to send other notifications)
Scroll down for more options
Client Login Screen full guide here
Helpful tips are shown in this area
Scroll down for more options
Downloading: allow clients to download image files
Notifications: set your preferences for email notifications
Include Watermark: (see more information on how to set watermark here)
Scroll down to the very bottom!
Cover Image: the cover image thumbnail represents this project. It may displayed on your website, depending on your theme and with Collection Pages
Edit Cover Image (can be different from the Client Login Screen image)
Delete Client Gallery: deletes. Please see our Delete Client Gallery article
'Save Changes' before leaving the 'Settings panel.
Still have questions? Reach us on our live chat or email us at We’re here to help!