Adjust the available design options for specific areas of your theme by grouping them in one panel.
When working in the Design editor panel, clicking the 'View All' text link that appears next to a section’s title (like the Site Menu, Store or Custom Page) will take you to all the available options for that page or site element.
This will bring all Colors and Typography options into one panel, making it easy for you to make changes and preview.
Activate filtered view
In the Design editor and any panel, click the 'View All' text link to the left of the section heading to have all options relating appear (in this example the 'Site Menu')
Site Menu fully expanded
The options that you can be different for each theme (screenshots shown here are from Sierra (Flare / Rise & Triptych).
Heading showing the Panel with all options available
Theme specific options are available for editing
While hovering the '?' will give you more information about the option
Typography can be changed with the dropdown
Click 'X' to close
Hover ? tooltip
Scroll down to see more available options including Typography.
5. Typography options including font, size, line height and styling options
6. 'B' = Bold 'I' = Italic
View the live updates in the in-app preview window and 'Save Changes'.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!