Contacts hold the email addresses and phone numbers of clients, potential clients, or other people that are related to your work in some way
Contacts can be created from multiple places:
Creating a Contact from the Overview Page
Navigate to the ‘Overview’ page
Click ‘New Contact’.
The ‘New Contact’ dialogue panel is displayed.
Enter the contact’s first name
Add an email address. The other fields in the dialogue are optional
Click ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Cancel’ to exit
Creating a Contact from the Contacts Page
In the left sidebar, click ‘Contacts’. The ‘Contacts’ page is displayed.
Click ‘New Contact’. The ‘New Contact’ dialogue panel is displayed.
Enter the contact’s first name and an email address. The other fields in the dialogue are optional.
Click ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Cancel’ to exit.
Editing a Contact
In the left sidebar, click ‘Contacts’. The ‘Contacts’ page is displayed.
Beside the contact that you want to edit, click ‘Edit’. The ‘New Contact’ dialogue panel is displayed.
Change the information in the fields.
Click ‘Save Changes’ or ‘Cancel’ to exit.
Deleting a Contact
In the left sidebar, click ‘Contacts’
Beside the Contact that you want to delete, click ‘Delete’
There is no undo or way to recover a Contact once deleted.
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