Clients are a place to collect all of the pieces of information related to them.
Think of it as a folder for all of the email addresses and phone numbers and the final images that are delivered once everything has been completed.
To create a client, follow the steps under ‘Creating a Client’.
Video overview
Contacts Related to Your Client
Link contacts to your client so that they are easy to find.
Adding Notes About Your Client
You can keep private notes about each client with Client Notes. They can be used to:
Write down important notes and reminders
Track important todos and cross them off as they are completed
Jot down important dates and details about your shoot
Link important documents, including contracts and invoices
To add notes to a client, follow the steps under 'Adding Notes to a Client'.
Linking a Contact from a Client Page
In the left sidebar, click ‘Clients’. A list of clients is displayed.
Click the client of interest. The details of that client are displayed.
Under the ‘Contacts’ heading, click the ‘+’ beside ‘Select Contact’
A list of contacts is displayed. Click the checkbox beside the contacts that you want to link to this client.
Click ‘Save’ or ‘Cancel’ to exit.
File Transfers Related to Your Client
See file transfers that are linked to your client.
In the left sidebar, click ‘Clients’. A list of clients is displayed.
Click the client of interest. The details of that client are displayed.
Under the ‘File Transfers’ heading is a list of the linked file transfers.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!