Your website’s fonts can be changed easily using the Basic Typography Editor panel. This allows you to set your default Heading Font, Body Font and the Base Font Size.
Video overview
Basic Panel: Overview of Key Text Styles
Click the 'Typography' panel in the Design editor to activate.
The default setting is the BASIC panel.
Heading Font: used for header Text Elements and all other headings
Body Font: text used throughout your site
Base Font Size: visible slider for setting the initial size.
Preview of font selected
Name of font and dropdown to select different fonts
Click to 'Browse Font Library'
Search for Font by name if known, or used previously
Narrow down the Font Style with this dropdown selector
Scroll through our extensive list of fonts and weights
Changing font updates the Preview and in-app Preview on the right showing how your site will look.
Advanced Typography editing
Now that you have selected your Key Font Styles and the Base Font Size you can customize all font style and sizes further.
Please view our Advanced Typography Editor guide.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!