Customize the typographic style of all the text in your website.
You can override your website’s Key Text Styles in the BASIC panel to customize each type of text on your site with the ADVANCED panel.
Video overview
Advanced Panel: Overview of all Text Styles
Click to activate the ADVANCED panel
Click 'View All' to edit all options, this can include Colors so you can edit all related settings at once
All editable Text Styles are grouped in sections:
Site Menu: navigation links
Heading Text: used for header Text Elements and all other headings
Body Text: text used throughout your site
Text Links: make your links noticeable by styling them differently
Footer: usually at the bottom of your site or site menu
Gallery Pages: for captions, text elements and navigation arrows
Collection Pages: styling the page links
Blog: can be styled differently from all other site content.
The Text Logo is styled separately. See our guide for Website title and logo.
What does a particular setting change?
Many of the setting options have a tool-tip that can be activated by hovering the '?'.
Changing Fonts
Click the font name to activate the dropdown
Scroll and tap to select
Click to browse the full Font Library
Select from Font Library
Narrow down search for fonts by name or
Narrow down available selection by font style or
Scroll through available fonts
Changing Size and Style
Use the slider or enter a value directly to change the font size
Some panels allow you to set 'B', 'I' or 'U'
Preview Changes
Desktop, Mobile (above) and Fullscreen Preview options are available.
Fonts from external sources
We are unable to include licensed fonts or use Google Fonts or Adobe® Fonts with your site as these would have to be hard-coded and require knowledge of HTML and CSS.
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