Custom Pages allow the flexibility to add text, images, contact forms, maps, audio and videos.
You can be creative and add your own personal style to your site. They have the flexibility to add text, images, contact forms, maps, audio and videos (from Vimeo or YouTube) to a page.
Pro and ProPlus plans also allow .mp4 or .mov videos to be uploaded directly.
Video overview
Add a Custom Page
Navigate from the left sidebar to Portfolio and 'Pages'
Click 'Create'
Click 'Custom Page'
Give your new page a name.
Start from Scratch or use a Custom Page template
Start from Scratch, add text, images, videos and other media to this page
Use a Custom Page Template, choose from over 60 customizable About Pages, contact forms, splash/landing (Title) pages and more
Choose a Custom Page template
You can 'View All' at once (the default) or select a tab to narrow down the options:
About for your 'About Me/Us' page
Contact has pre-built Contact Message forms for sending you enquiries
Resume for including details about yourself, your achievements, education, work experience etc.
Story for essays with photos.
Title Page for splash/landing/title pages
- Home Page for layouts based on our demo site home pages
- Please note: selecting a template will only import the structure of that template, not its design settings as shown in the example
Hovering over a thumbnail will show it as being selected. Click to apply
Selecting a [ Blank Template ] will allow you to add your own Sections in the order you want, making it a truly Custom Page.
Page Settings
Adjust the settings of your Custom Page.
Title is the name of your Custom Page
Page Visibility (Online, Private or Offline)
Custom Page URL is the unique address of your page. This should be lowercase with a hyphen
between each word -
SEO Optimization shows and example of how your pages text content will appear in a search result listing. Editin the fields in the screenshot below updates this preview
Save Changes
SEO Page Title this will appear in the search results for this page. Write a descriptive and unique page title
SEO Page Description should describe the content of your page. It will only be shown in search engine results. It will not be visible on your site. Your description should be between 150-160 characters
Edit Cover Image replace our sample image with one of your own
Delete Page
Save Changes
Add images
Click once on an image to replace with an image of your own
A mini-toolbar will appear above with options to 'Change Image'
Image shape selector
Magnifying slider change shape of image within image area
Link the image so when tapped, takes viewer to another page, website or email
Image Description, view Image Descriptions guide here
When a Section is hovered the 'dragger handle' appears in the left area and allows you to drag up or down to move the section to another position on the page
Save Changes (always)
Add video (from Vimeo or YouTube)
See our more detailed guide for adding video to a Custom Page
Video thumbnail preview (not selectable)
Text, select and replace with your own
Style text (while selected) with options available in the black ribbon bar that appears above the text
Text alignment options
Bold or Italic
Link to a page, website or email
Add image sets (Slideshow)
Add Section > Images
Scroll down to 'Image Sets'
Select Slideshow with thumbnails underneath
Add Images (at least one is required)
Speed the transition speed can be set between 2 to 20 seconds (only adjustable when 3. Autoplay is turned ON
Autoplay can be turned ON or OFF (default OFF)
You can change the way your images are displayed at any time with the style dropdown (select from Square, Masonry, Slideshow, Vertical, Grid or Horizontal). You don't need to re-upload images if you change
Edit text
Select the text you want to edit and re-type/replace with your own words
Style options include Large Heading, Heading, Body, Small Text and List
Alignment options
Bold or Italic styling
Link the text to a page, website or email address
Add sections
The template page you have selected may not look exactly how you want it to.
You can Add Sections to the page to make it look the way you want.
You can add Text and Images, swap in your own content as shown above, and or add Forms and Divider sections.
Using one of our pre-built Contact Forms is a great way of making it easy for viewers to contact you. Any messages sent will go to your Format Account email address.
You can add Divider sections in between your other sections.
Change section order or delete
You can also delete a Section by hovering over the top right corner and clicking the 'X' icon., And confirming on the Warning box that will appear.
By hovering over a Section on the left-hand site you will see a light 'slider' graphic appear.
Click-and-drag up or down to change the section ordering on your page.
Add a HTML section (Pro level plans and above)
HTML embeds can be added to Custom page on Pro level plans and above.
You can create new HTML sections or convert existing text Sections to HTML editing mode, and then paste in the HTML code for the embed you want to add, such as custom forms.
Save changes
As you work on your Custom Page it is important to 'Save Changes' regularly.
Preview your page using the Preview 'eye icon'.
Still have questions? Reach us on our live chat or email us at We’re here to help!