Saving your images correctly will help your pages load quickly across all devices.
Supported image files JPEG, PNG or Animated GIF
JPEG files are best for photographic images
PNG-8 files are good for logos
PNG-24 files are best for logos, illustrations, still images and transparency
GIF files are best for simple animations or graphics with flat colors
Image files can be up to 100MB in size on all page types
HEIF/HEIC images from iOS devices are also supported
As well, please see our Portfolio Supported File Types guide for more information on DNG, RAW and TIF files, as well as what file types are not supported.
Export images from Adobe Photoshop or similar
If you are using Adobe Photoshop or similar as your image editor, it is best to save your images using the 'File' > 'Export' > 'Save for Web (Legacy)…' option.
Images that are not 'saved for web' may use color profiles that display poorly in some web browsers. This is more noticeable on mobile devices.
From the top menu bar click 'File' to activate the dropdown menu
Click 'Export' for the sidebar to open
Click 'Save for Web (Legacy)…'
Recommended settings for JPEGs
Gallery Page image files can be up to 100MB in size, but for best results we recommend these settings for saving your JPEGs
Select JPEG
Quality level 95% (recommended)
Ensure 'Optimized' and 'Embed Color Profile' are selected
Ensure 'Convert to sRGB' is selected
Set the longest edge of your image to 2500px
Indication of saved image size and type
You can save these settings as a Preset to easily apply them in the future
Save your image
DPI stands for 'Dots for Inch' and is important for printing on paper but is not important for on-screen viewing. If your application requires a value, please set to 96dpi.
Exporting Animated GIFs
Please ensure that the height and width of any animated GIF images is 2000px or less.
Images that exceed 2000px will fail to upload.
Export images from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic LrC using the Format Publisher plugin
The Format Publisher plugin simplifies the tasks of uploading and updating your Gallery Pages and Client Galleries. Instead of exporting JPEGs to your desktop and then uploading, you can export directly. Saving steps, time, and allowing you to automatically configure the necessary settings.
Our Format Publisher article will show you how to download, install, configure, and export images.
Recommended settings for Client Galleries
If you are using our Client Galleries feature and allowing your clients to download full resolution images, you will not want to restrict the Image Sizing or Quality of the image compression.
Recommended settings for Logos
Each theme displays logos at different sizes.
Make your logo image at least 900 pixels wide and crop tightly to remove excess 'white space' before uploading.
If you have a mainly text-based logo or graphic and want the background to appear underneath (transparent), save as a transparent PNG file.
Export as a JPEG if you have more of a photographic-style logo.
Export as an animated GIF if you have animated your logo!
See our more detailed Preparing your Logo guide.
You may want to experiment with different export settings and add to your site before deciding what looks best.
Recommended size for Site Icon (favicon)
For best results, save at 192px wide by 192px high as a PNG or GIF file.
Recommended images for Slideshows
All plans have access to Slideshows. Due to the way these can change how an image appears on smaller or wider displays, we recommend that you select images that have the main focal point in the center of the frame although this can be adjusted and you can position the focal point where you want it to appear.
Still have questions? Reach us on our live chat or email us at We’re here to help!
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