How to select the Plan that best suits your current requirements, pay Monthly or Annually with Visa, MasterCard, Amex, or PayPal.
Current Plan information
Once you have started a new trial website, we may display offers that are available for a limited time.
From the left sidebar click 'Dashboard' if it is not already active
The Current 'Plan' and (Status) will appear here, if you hover this text link, a modal will appear above
This modal shows more information including details on your plan limits for Images, Video, Storage, and Client Galleries, click the 'Upgrade' text link to continue and review the plans and what is included
If the top yellow header bar is visible, we may display offers (discounts) that are currently available. Click the 'View plans' link
All our plan prices are shown in USD$ currency
Available Plans with Annual Billing
If we are offering a discount on any of our Annual plans, a summary of the offer will be displayed here
Annual Billing pricing will be shown for the plans below
If a discount is being offered, the original price will be shown (at a smaller size) with a
(backslash) through the monthly price, followed by the actual monthly price if the plan was paid annually -
A Full Plan Comparison is also available for viewing
Fine print regarding any discounted promotion. Please ensure you read this before proceeding to checkout
Any discounted plan is for the first year's annual subscription only and would return to the current full-year price on your next renewal.
Available Plans with Monthly Billing
We understand that you may not want to commit to subscribing for a full year at once, or that you may only require an active website with Format for a number of months. In this case, you may find subscribing to one of our Monthly plans better. This can also help with budgeting, but it does work out to be more expensive over a twelve-month period to pay Monthly instead of Annually, which is why we sometimes offer discounts on Annual plans but not Monthly plans.
Click the toggle button to view the 'Monthly Billing' prices
The price per month will be displayed here
A Full Plan Comparison is also available for viewing, there is no difference between any of the features within each plan whether you are paying Monthly or Annually
View the Full Plan Comparison
Annual Billing will be shown at (2)
The saved Annual amount (compared to paying Monthly) will be shown here (with the green background).
List of features on the left and how this affects the different plans (Basic, Pro, or Pro Plus) in the three right-side columns and how they compare
Please 'scroll down' to see more features
Select the Plan that best suits your requirements
Close this window (you can return later)
All Annual plans come with a 30-day money-back guarantee.
Customize Your Plan with different options
After selecting your Plan, you will have the option to register a Custom Domain name. This is free for the first year with Annual plans, subsequent years cost $20 annually to renew. More information about this offer is available in our help article How to get a free custom domain name
Professional Email by Google Workspace. This requires the Custom Domain be provided and managed by Format (you can also transfer a Custom Domain from another registrar or host to Format, but if you already have a Google Workspace (or Gsuite account), it is not possible to transfer this subscription to Format for us to manage)
Site Building Service. The service is free on a full-priced Pro Plus Bundle Annual plan (not available if a discount/promo code is used/applied), but can also be purchased as an add-on.
The plan selected will be displayed here, along with the savings made (if Billed Annually)
Custom Domain (if added as an option) will be displayed here showing the price
The Subtotal shows the amount before any
orPromo Code
is applied (you will see this in the next Checkout area) -
Click 'Continue to Checkout'. You will not be charged yet.
Checkout with a Credit Card
The Credit Card payment option is selected by default. If you would prefer to use PayPal please see our Using PayPal for your Subscription guide
Add the Cardholder Name
Add the Credit Card Number
An icon (Visa, Mastercard, or Amex) will appear to the right, depending on the card number entered
Add Expiration Date, the format is
Add CVC three-digit code (usually displayed on the reverse side of the card)
Please ensure you have read our Terms of Service as you are agreeing to these when you subscribe
Plan Summary showing the Prices and any discounted amount in this column
If a Discount or Promo Code has been auto-applied, and you do not want to use this please click 'Remove'. This will also allow you to enter a different code that you may have been provided with as part of a different promotion. (See section below)
Tax is charged for Canadian-based members and also United States regions of New York, Massachusetts, Washington State, and Pennsylvania beginning from Feb 1st, 2024. Tax may be automatically collected additional to your Subtotal and will be shown at (11)
Tax added
Message highlighted to show that you are saving X% off on a new website for one year.
Billed Now, the final price will be shown in USD$
Click 'Subscribe' to complete the purchase of your subscription
All Credit Card payments are managed and processed by Stripe, they are secure and encrypted. Your Credit Card details are not held or stored on any Format or Zenfolio inc. managed servers or services.
Removing a Discount or Promo Code
If a Discount or Promo Code has been auto-applied, and you do not want to use this please click 'Remove'. This will also allow you to enter a different code that you may have been provided with as part of a different promotion.
No tax applied
Current discounted price showing
'Subscribe' button is still active with the discount as it has not been 'Removed' yet
Adding a different Discount or Promo Code
With the Discount / Promo Code removed, the price will now be showing at the full Annual price
The 'Promo Code' field is now accessible for you to enter a different code that you may have been provided with as part of a different promotion.
Click 'Apply' for this to be applied and the savings calculated
Billed Now total has not changed because no Promo Code has been applied yet (also needs to have been removed to receive free Site Build Service when subscribing to a Pro Plus Bundle Annual plan)
Click 'Subscribe' or read the next section first…
Different Discount or Promo Code Applied
Once the Discount / Promo Code has been applied the Plan Summary will update with the discount showing
Message highlighted to show that you are saving X% off on a new website for one year.
Billed Now, the final price will be shown in USD$
Click 'Subscribe' to complete the purchase of your subscription
Successful Payment Made
You will receive a notification on-screen that your payment was successful and that a confirmation email has been sent to your email address
Total payment made in USD$
Continue to 'Set Up Domain' if this was selected. We have a guide on how to do this here named How to get a free custom domain name
Still have questions? Reach us on our live chat or email us at We’re here to help!