Sell downloadable digital file/s from your Store for things like ebooks, presets or software.
The maximum digital download file size is 100Mb. It is best to compress all files into one ZIP file.
Add a Digital Product
From the left sidebar under 'Portfolio', click 'Store'
Click 'Add Product'
Give your Product a name
Click 'Add Product'
Under 'Product Type' select 'Digital Product'
Click 'Edit Cover Image' and upload the main image to promote your product (required)
Scroll down
to Product Images and 'Add Images', at least one image must be added here (you can have up to five images)
Add your Product Description , clear, concise information will help prospective customers decide whether to purchase your product or not. Include the information that you would want to know if you were looking to buy, (if an ebook, the number of pages, how many images, size, can it be printed? file size etc.)
Set your Price. The minimum is 1.00 in your countries currency.
Scroll down to Digital File Upload and 'Upload a File'
Navigate to the location file is stored and select
Click 'Choose'
A digital file or ZIP file can be up to 100Mb in file size. Only one file can be selected and uploaded so if your Product requires more than one file you will need to compress all files into one ZIP file and then upload.
Shows digital file successfully uploaded
Click to 'Replace'
Set Product Availability
Scroll to top and 'Product Availability'
Use dropdown to select 'Available in Store'
'Save Changes'
Check Settings and SEO Optimization
Click 'Settings' to access
The Product Path is based on the Product Name originally entered
SEO Optimization improvements can be made by scrolling down further.
The SEO Product Title can be the same as the Product Name, or you can change.
Add information in the SEO Product Description panel (copy-and-paste a portion of what you entered on the Product page)
After adding information this will update and show a green 'SEO Complete' message
An indication of what will be shown in search results is displayed here.
Further down you can Edit Cover Image
Out of Stock. Because you have added a Digital Product our Inventory Control will not work with this, you can sell a Digital Product indefinitely
Delete Product will remove from your Store
Things to be aware of
Only one digital file per Product with a maximum 100Mb file size
Once someone buys a digital product they are shown a page that has a download link. They also receive this download link in their email. This link is good for 60 days and then it expires
If you, the Seller deletes the digital product from your store, the link is still good for 60 days from purchase
However, if you, the Seller cancels the specific order for the link purchase, the link will be expired immediately.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!