Change the look-and-feel of your Stores’ Listing (thumbnail) and Product (detail) pages.
New options include the number of columns, spacing, image layout, product description position, colors and typography.
Video overview
Access the Store Design options
From the left sidebar navigate to 'Portfolio' > click 'Design'
Click 'Theme'
Scroll down to the 'STORE' heading
To the right, click the 'View All' link to see all Store Design options in one panel
All Store options in one place
Store all Store Listing and Product Page design options are available for editing from this one panel
Theme specific options can be set here
Hover over any '?' to view the tooltip
Colors that can be edited
Typography specific options can be edited here, otherwise they use the settings under Design > Typography > Advanced > Heading Text & Body Text
View the live updates in the in-app preview window and 'Save Changes'.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!