Choose how much to charge when a product is shipped on its own or when combined with other products. You can set different shipping rates for every product in your Store.
Video overview
Add shipping rates to your product
Go to the individual Product's page
Scroll down to the 'Shipping' section and enable checkbox for 'This item can be shipped'
Set shipping rates for individual or grouped items
Check under 'Destination' to see if your home shipping country is correct. If not, you can change this in your Store's Settings
Set prices for 'Shipped Alone'
Set prices for 'With Others' details of how this works below
'Everywhere Else' can not be disabled. If you only want to ship locally, set a higher price here or you will need to refund and cancel an order if placed, OR:
Add a message in the Product Description area to say something similar to: "Currently Shipping is only available within the USA, please email if you are interested and live in another country".
Add country-specific shipping rates
'Add Destination' to set shipping rates for sending to a specific country
Click into the 'Enter a country name' field and start typing the first characters of that countries name
An auto-complete list of available countries will appear in the dropdown to select.
The selected 'Country' will show here
Set 'Shipping Alone' rate
Set 'With Others' rate
Delete row
'+ Add Destination' for more countries.
Shipping will be calculated at checkout
When viewing the Product for sale, customers will not see the shipping cost for their specific country until they have gotten to the PayPal Checkout area and added their address details.
How 'Shipped Alone' and 'With Others' Works
When a customer orders only a single copy of a product the 'Shipped Alone' rate is used.
When a customer orders more than one product (or quantity of one product), the highest 'Shipped Alone' rate on the order is combined with the 'With Others' rates for the rest of the products on the order.
For example:
You sell a print where 'Shipped Alone' is $8 and 'With Others' is $6. And you are also selling postcards where 'Shipped Alone' is $7 and 'With Others' is $5.
Someone orders 1 print and 1 postcard. The shipping total would be $8 + $5 = $13
Or, if someone orders 1 print and 4 postcards. The shipping total would be $8 + $5 x 4 = $28.
For lighter items, you may want to set the 'With Others' rate low or zero. For heavier items, you may want to price this a bit higher.
Flat rate shipping
You can set up 'flat rate' shipping by setting the 'With Others' rate for every product in your Store to $0.00
Then your customers' shipping total is just the highest 'Shipped Alone' price in the order.
Things to be aware of
We are not able to provide a 'weight/size' calculation option.
If you are unsure of what you need to charge for shipping please discuss with your delivery service provider.
Disabling the 'This item can be shipped' option does not stop a customer from ordering the product but it means any shipping costs would need to be included in the Product Price.
Reach us at our live chat or via our email if you have any more questions. We’re happy to help!